Ed Martin Nissan of Fishers

Sep 15, 2023

Whether you’re taking the kids to soccer practice, driving to work, or enjoying a road trip, you expect all parts of your car to be in perfect working condition. We pop on the headlights and don’t even think about it: that is, until one starts having issues. Does your Nissan need new headlights from your Nissan dealer?

A close up of the headlights on a 2023 Nissan Altima, driving near Fishers, Indiana

Dimming or Flickering

One of the most common indicators of aging headlights is their inconsistent brightness. A flicker here and there or a noticeable dimming compared to their original luminosity could be an early sign that they’re nearing the end of their effective span.

Physical Damage

Headlights are extra susceptible to external damage because they’re always facing forward. Minute cracks or dents may seem harmless, but they can lead to more significant issues, like moisture seepage, which can interfere with the bulb’s functionality.

Moisture Build-Up

Over the course of its life, a headlight might start showing signs of condensation or moisture trapped inside its housing. This is often a result of a damaged seal and, if left unaddressed, can lead to reduced efficiency or even electrical malfunctions.

Uneven Illumination

If you’ve ever observed that one of your headlights shines brighter than the other, it’s a hint that one is about to go. Uneven lighting can pose challenges, especially during nighttime drives, and since bulbs are installed in sets, if one starts to go, the other is likely not far behind.

Frequent Bulb Replacement

Quality bulbs are designed to last. If you find yourself in a cycle of constant replacements, it suggests an underlying issue. The problem could be within the headlight housing or related to the car’s electrical system.

Color Changes

As bulbs age, the color of light they emit can undergo subtle changes. If your headlight starts giving off a bluish or purplish hue, it might be signaling that a replacement is due soon.

Shortened Beam Distance

Efficient headlights cast a long, steady beam. If the illuminated distance seems shorter than it used to be, your headlights are likely not performing and need to be replaced.

Frequent High Beam Requirement

Regular headlights should be fine for most night driving scenarios. If you’re frequently switching to high beams where you previously didn’t need to, it’s an indication of diminishing headlight strength.

Inconsistent Brightness

If the brightness of your headlights seems to be wavering while you drive, this can mean bulb failure or, more likely, an electrical issue.

Don’t gamble with your safety or the condition of your Nissan. If you believe your Nissan might need new headlights or simply want a professional to give it a thorough check, don’t hesitate. Take action today by visiting us at Ed Martin Nissan of Fishers, so you can have peace of mind on the road for every drive.